Our Progress
- 66900 served
- 639300 children
- 29700 adults
- 111 schools reached
- 20 girls currently undergoing residential care and support
- 3000 students at 20 schools and colleges trained in cyber safety
- 50 Angel Boxes supplied in school to check child sexual abuse
- 500+ youth trained in skill development programs
- COVID relief: 17500 meals served, 6000+ ration and sanitation kits distributed, 1000+ PPE kits distributed
Highlights: Inchara’s Inspirations of the Year
Pramita (alias) was a sexually abused child whose father was an alcoholic with a brother and mother at home who were incapable to provide her a safe living condition. Hence she was referred to Inchara Foundation by Child Welfare Committee.
With planned intervention in place such as counseling (regular) and an individual care plan, gradual changes were observed in her. With a 360 degree support system, Pramita started gaining trust in the support mechanism as a result she expressed her areas of interest and participated in the skill development training in hospitality and tourism provided to her.
Presently she is an independent and confident girl working in the sector of hospitality and tourism in Murudeshwar earning Rs. 8000/- per month along with food and accommodation.
Pramya (alias) is one of our beneficaries, she had to drop out after class 10th due to unfortunate circumstances. She was an intelligent student and happy go lucky until her fate turned into disaster. Her dreams were put on hold, as she and her family suffered severe trauma. It was not easy for her to bounce back. Once she reached Inchara, with the help of our brilliant staff her life started to change. Along with continous engagement into counseling and therapies, she was also made to appear her class 12th board exams in open mode. She passed the exams with flying colors. She was determined to leave her past behind as well her traumatic life experience.
Furthermore, Inchara gave her an opportunity to complete a six month course in hospitality. Pramya is now working with a top brand hotel as a houskeeping attendant. We wish her all the best to her future endeavors.